Iran – Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi and Antisemitic Speeches

On January 5, 2010, Mesbah-Yazdi gave a lecture containing non-mistakable Antisemitic themes to senior Revolutionary Guards officials in the city of Qom. The lecture focused on the “latest plots against Iran”, as well as “corruption on Earth”. Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi dedicated a considerable portion of his lecture to what he referred to as the major role played by Jews in those phenomena, putting “Jews and Zionists” together. He asserted that the centers of corruption in the world belonged to the Jews and the Zionists, and that they endeavored to corrupt the rest of the people in the world so that they can ultimately rule the world. According to Mesbah-Yazdi, “the Jews are most cunning at politics, and they even managed to turn a group of [evangelist] Christians into their allies, creating a group of Jewish Christians and taking over the policy of the USA”.

Mesbah-Yazdi called Jews “the most corrupt race”, stressing that “there is no other ethnic group like that in the region or in any country in the world, which considers itself a chosen people, a special child of God that all other men must sacrifice themselves for like animals”. Mesbah-Yazdi asserted that the Jews “are the best schemers and mischief-mongers in the world, and they will not rest and will not leave Muslims alone until they destroy Islam”. Consequently, the Ayatollah further stated that “we believe that the Jews are the enemies of Islam, a fact acknowledged by the Quran 1400 years ago; their crimes throughout history are testimony to that truth”.

Mesbah-Yazdi made an association between the Jews and Iran’s reformist camp. He also accused the reformists of being the proxies of the US. According to Mesbah-Yazdi, instead of chanting “death to the USA”, the reformists want to sell it oil and share Iranian interests with it. He concluded by saying that that reformist concept originated in weakness of mind and faith that stemmed from their fascination with foreign ideas, and that reformists traveled abroad and came back to Iran under the spell of Western ideas, to the extent of being willing to ignore the Islamic regime for “the forbidden pleasures of the world”. Referring to the leaders of the reformist camp, Mesbah-Yazdi said that “they prefer to be the servants of Obama rather than the servants of Allah, and they deserve the most severe of punishments”.

Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi is considered one of Iran’s most radical clerics, as well as President Ahmadinejad’s source of religious authority (marja-e taqlid) and spiritual mentor.

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