France – France halts Egyptian antisemitic broadcasts

The French government has ordered a local satellite carrier to halt broadcasts by an Egyptian TV channel due to Antisemitic content. The carrier, Eutelsat, was told by the French State Audiovisual Council (CSA) this month to block the Al Rahma channel, which it said violated a law prohibiting “incitement to hatred or violence based on religion or nationality.”

The Council cited in its decision an October 2009 program broadcast on the Al Rahma channel that showed Jews in a “demonizing and degrading fashion.”

Cleric Hazem Shuman The broadcast featured Egyptian Islamic cleric Hazem Shuman exhorting his viewers against Jews: “Your turn has come at last, you offspring of apes and pigs, you most accursed creatures created by Allah, you people who have harmed the Prophet again and again… It has been proven that the Jews are like a cancer – if they are not removed from the body of the nation, they will kill the entire nation.”


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