Austria – “Arminia” Student Association: Antisemitic lecture + Nazi poster

Arminia CzernowitzThe known student association “Arminia Czernowitz” that Detlef Wimmer – Linz City Council member and chairman of FP and the “Free Youth Association” – is one of its members, organized a lecture in Lindbauer Hostel in the city of Linz with Richard Melisch, right-wing and antisemitic activist. The lecture’s title was: “The final act – declaring war on the globalization leaders of all nations!” On the lecture’s poster there was an illustration
Richard Melisch from the Nazi era showing a hand that prevents a snake from biting. During the Nazi era, the snake symbolized “Marxism” and the “influence of money”, but these terms were now replaced with “globalization” and “foreign rule”. Also the swastika bearing strip that was put at those times on the arm was erased.

Apart from the various student associations, the event was also attended by many people belonging to Austria’s extreme right wing, including Ludwig Reinthaler, former “head” of the neo-Nazi party “Die Bunten” in Wels; Ernst Kronegger, FP Council member (of the city Steinbach / Ziehberg) and organizer of the summer festival; and also Günther Altmann, former member of the BfJ Party (“Free Youth Association”). Detlef Wimmer refuses to respond to the allegations that are directed at him, by the media as well, about the neo-Nazi signs and the right wing speakers. Only a month ago, on March 2010, Melisch appeared before the FPÖ in Salzburg, where Detlef Wimmer denied Melisch’s extreme tendencies.


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