Chile – Neo-Nazi who threatened Lily Perez given a prison sentence

The Criminal Court in Vina del Mar ruled against Elliot Quijada, who had threatened to kill the RN Senator, Lily Perez, and convicted him of incitement to hatred against the Jewish People and of illegal possession of weapons.

This person, who had in the past founded the Neo-Nazi group “Martillo del Sur” [Hammer of the South] was charged with payment of a fine amounting to UTM 50 (one million 800 thousand pesos) for an offence against Law 19.733, and was sentenced to 600 days imprisonment suspended under restrictive conditions, due to illegal possession of ammunition.

The Prosecutor in the case, Alejandro Ivelic, welcomed the Court’s decision, and particularly the punishment handed down because of breach of the Expression of Opinion Law, which constitutes a legal precedent.

“We are very satisfied with the sentence that was obtained, particularly because of the offence under the Expression of Opinion and the Press Law as this is a landmark case, as a penalty has never before been handed down for a breach of this Law, and in this sense it is an historic judgment”, he stated.

For is part, Oscar Mella, the Neo- Nazi’s Defense Attorney – who was not present when the verdict was read out – promised that he would be lodging an appeal against the decisions in respect of the two offences.




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