2009 audit of antisemitic incidents

The number of antisemitic incidents in the United States remained at a “sustained and troubling” level in 2009, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which compiles annually a statistical audit of antisemitic assaults, vandalism and harassment.


The 2009 ADL Audit of Antisemitic Incidents, released today, counted a total of 1,211 incidents of vandalism, harassment and physical assaults against Jewish individuals, property, and community institutions across the U.S.


Using a newly revised methodology for reporting and tracking incidents, the ADL Audit identified 29 physical assaults on Jewish individuals, 760 incidents of antisemitic harassment and threats, and 422 cases of antisemitic vandalism during the 2009 calendar year.


“America is not immune to antisemitism, and 2009 was no different in this regard than in any other year,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “It is a sobering reality that as Jews have become more accepted in society, there remains a consistent hatred of Jews among too many. The fact that Jews continue to be singled out for acts of hate on an average of three times per day in this country is a disturbing reality that we have to confront.”

“The Audit is one snapshot of antisemitismin America,” added Robert G. Sugarman, ADL National Chair. “While it is by no means a complete picture of the problem, it presents us with important statistical data to help us identify and to quantify the wheres, whys and hows of antisemitismin society.”


The 2009 calendar year was marked by several violent antisemitic incidents and dangerous threats to Jewish institutions, as well as numerous incidents of harassment affecting Jewish communities large and small. Major incidents included the shooting attack on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. by an avowed Holocaust denier, a thwarted plot by four Muslim converts to bomb synagogues in Riverdale, New York, and repeated in-your-face picketing of institutions and community centers by members of an avowedly antisemitic, Kansas-based church.


It was also a year in which the Internet played an increasingly dominant role in the dissemination of antisemitic messages and content through social networking and content-sharing Web sites. (While ADL monitors and exposes online antisemitism, it does not include statistics on antisemitismin cyberspace as part of the Audit).


The 2009 ADL Audit of Antisemitic Incidents comprises data from 46 states and the District of Columbia, including official crime statistics as well as information provided to ADL’s regional offices by victims, law enforcement officers and community leaders and members. The Audit encompasses criminal acts, such as vandalism, violence and threats of violence, as well as non-criminal incidents of harassment and intimidation.


The Numbers State-By-State

Antisemitic Assaults

Antisemitic Harassment

Antisemitic Vandalism

Online Antisemitism

Antisemitism at Anti-Israel Rallies

Westboro Baptist Church


New Reporting Standards

For the first time in the more than three decades ADL has tracked and reported on antisemitic incidents, the 2009 Audit was significantly revamped to improve reporting methods and update some evaluation criteria. At the same time, a new technology platform was developed that enabled the League’s 30 regional offices to record and track incidents with even greater speed and accuracy.


As a result, the 2009 total of 1,211 incidents does not include incidents that would have been categorized as antisemitic under the previous Audit system. In 2008 – prior to the adoption of enhanced reporting methods – the League recorded a total of 1,352 incidents. The decline of 10 percent between the 2008 and 2009 figures is not inclusive of incidents that would have been counted under the previous methodology.


“In an effort to make the Audit as accurate as possible in measuring antisemitic incidents in America, we have decided to take a more conservative approach to counting certain types of incidents, including graffiti and swastikas,” said Mr. Foxman. “We know that the swastika has, for some, lost its meaning as the primary symbol of Nazism and instead become a more generalized symbol of hate. So we are being more careful to include graffiti incidents that specifically target Jews or Jewish institutions as we continue the process of re-evaluating and redefining how we measure anti-Jewish incidents.”


For reporting purposes, the ADL Audit divides antisemitic incidents into three categories: Antisemitic Assaults, involving violence against Jewish individuals or those thought to be Jewish; Vandalism, such as property damage, cemetery desecration or antisemitic graffiti; and Harassment, including threats, slurs and activity by antisemitic hate groups:


·Assaults: A total of 29 assaults were reported in 2009. The incidents included under assaults included a “kick a Jew day” at a Florida middle school, a brick thrown at an identifiably Jewish man, an individual physically assaulted by a racist skinhead, and numerous bomb threats against Jewish institutions.

· Vandalism: There were 422 cases of vandalism reported in 2009, including rocks thrown at synagogue windows, antisemitic graffiti and attacks on Jewish cemeteries.

·Harassment: With 760 harassments reported in 2009, including anti-Jewish taunts and threats, this category accounted for more than 62 percent of all incidents reported.


Continuing a longtime trend, the states with the highest totals were those with large Jewish populations. The top four states were California, with 275 incidents, or 23 percent of the total; New York with 209 incidents, or 17 percent of the total; New Jersey with 132 incidents, or 10 percent of the total; and Florida with 90 incidents, or 7 percent of the total. (State-by-State Totals).


Behind the 2009 Audit’s statistics, several important trends were identified:


· Extremist Plots to Kill Jews

The Jewish community in the United States was the target of serious threats to life and security, as several extremists motivated by antisemitic ideology attempted to carry out murderous attacks against Jewish institutions. The most prominent incident was the June 2009 shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, in which a white supremacist and anti-Semite killed an African-American security guard before being critically wounded himself. The 88-year-old shooter, James Von Brunn, who subsequently died of his wounds, was a longtime white supremacist and anti-Semite who had published an antisemitic book and created an anti-Jewish Web site.


Other terror plots included:


— In May 2009 in New York, four Muslim converts were arrested for an alleged plot to attack two synagogues in the Riverdale section of the Bronx and to shoot down planes at a military base. The men allegedly began surveillance of several synagogues and a Jewish community center in April 2009. According to a federal prosecutor, the four men were “eager to bring death to Jews.”


— In January 2009 in Brockton, Massachusetts, police arrested a white supremacist after he allegedly killed two people and raped a third. The arrest put a stop to what authorities say was a pre-planned racially motivated killing spree directed at Jews and non-whites that would have continued later in the evening.


· Actions by the Westboro Baptist Church

Many Jewish institutions across America were targeted by (or were threatened by) protestors from the virulently antisemitic Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), a small Topeka, Kansas-based hate group. At these protests, church members held signs stating that “The Jews killed Jesus,” that “God Hates Jews,” and “God Hates Israel.” WBC also sent volumes (in some cases dozens over the course of a week) of faxes and e-mails with antisemitic and anti-gay messages to numerous Jewish institutions and individuals. The group protested at scores of Jewish institutions, including synagogues, Jewish community centers and Israeli consulates, and its airing of age-old antisemitic charges like deicide provoked anxiety, anger and outrage in many communities. (More on WBC)


· Antisemitism Goes Viral

While the League has monitored hate on the Internet for many years, 2009 was marked by a severe intensification of antisemitic expression in cyberspace. There was a significant increase in the amount of antisemitismfound on online social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace, and user-generated content sites, like YouTube.


Antisemitismflourished on a variety of social networking sites. Facebook, in particular, has become a widely used platform for users seeking to link their antisemitic views to discussions of Israel. Numerous Facebook groups were created in early 2009 in support of the Palestinians, and many of these groups also contained vile anti-Semitism. One Facebook group called “I Hate Israel,” which boasted more than 1,000 members in 2009, contained dozens of antisemitic posts.


Antisemitic comments also flourished on mainstream media Web sites in connection to stories on the Middle East, or stories dealing with the arrest of Jewish businessman Bernard Madoff and the revelation of his multibillion dollar Ponzi scheme. In the case of Madoff, most of the antisemitic comments tended to focus on alleged Jewish greed and thievery, as well as conspiracy theories linking financial losses to Israel. (More on Viral Antisemitism)


· Antisemitic Expressions at anti-Israel Protests

In 2009 anti-Israel protests were a major source of antisemitic agitation in the U.S. These mainly included antisemitic expressions at anti-Israel rallies held in response to Israel’s actions in Gaza in January 2009. At these rallies Holocaust imagery and analogies proliferated and various speakers and placards accused Jews of controlling the U.S. government, among other anti-Jewish accusations and canards. (More on anti-Israel Protests)


The following are selected incidents of assaults, vandalism and harassment reported to ADL in 2009:


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