Britain – Attacker shouted “Fuck the Jews” at teen with kippah

The 18-year-old former Hasmonean pupil, who did not want to be named, broke his knuckles and had his head slashed after defending a group of Jewish schoolboys.

The victim had been driving through Golders Green, North West London, when he saw three young teenagers from his synagogue surrounded by older youths on bicycles.

He parked his car in Hodford Road, where he was set upon by two of the youths.

The victim, from Hendon, said: “They went into a shop and the next thing I knew, one was running towards me with a bottle.

“He started swinging the bottle at me and hit me on the back of the head. There was a big cut and a lot of blood.

“They were shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ [Allah is the greatest] and ‘Fuck the Jews’. I was wearing a kippah, as were the other boys. I was totally shocked.”

A member of the public called the police, who arrived within four minutes. The suspects, described as being 18, one black and the other of Asian appearance, made off on their bicycles.


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