Britain – Beaten for looking Jewish

A non-Jewish former special constable in Walsall, UK, was beaten up by a hooded gang after he grew a beard, dressed in black and wore a wide-brimmed hat.

Linden Barrington, 25, is a sales representative who lives in an area of Walsall, West Midlands, with a high Muslim population.

Six months ago he began wearing a kippah and has even been keeping Shabbat as part of his intention to convert to Judaism.

He says he has been abused repeatedly since he changed his appearance. Youths have gathered outside his home shouting: “Murdering Jewish bastard”and “f***ing Zionist. You deserve to die.”

In the latest incident, seven Asian youths threw water at him and yelled abuse as he walked in a local park.

He responded by taking out a digital camera and filming them.

He said: “One came up behind me, got me in a headlock and punched me five times in the head.

“They pulled off my hat and my skullcap, while screaming abuse. I was terrified, I had a massive panic attack. A Muslim family who saw me on the street took me into their house and calmed me down while we waited for the police.”


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