Britain – Mobile police station in Hale to deter antisemitism

A Mobile police station will be operating in Hale and Bowdon throughout the Jewish festivals this month to help deter antisemitism.

Trafford has a high Jewish population and Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and members of the Jewish Community Security Trust (CST) will be taking part in joint foot patrols as part of a drive to prevent antisemitism and crime throughout the High Holy Days.

Starting on September 8, the month-long High Holy Days include the eve of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year and Yom Kippur.

There will be a mobile station outside the Synagogue on Shay Lane in Hale, which will alternate with The Firs in Bowdon and the patrols will cover the main pedestrian routes to the synagogues.

Jon Rush, chief superintendent at GMP, said: “We are working closely again this year with CST and putting extra patrols in place to make sure people feel safe and have easy access to police officers and reporting centres.”


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