Britain – Chelsea fans question club’s stance over antisemitism

Chelsea’s willingness to tackle antisemitism has been called into question by a group of fans who were left dissatisfied by the club’s handling of two separate incidents.

The group has been moved to complain about instances of a “significant minority” of Chelsea fans chanting “Yiddo, Yiddo,” at the Israel international Yossi Benayoun during the game at Wigan. Chelsea responded by saying they had spoken to police and officials but that it would be “unlikely” they would identify those involved.

This followed another complaint from the same group of fans who provided evidence about a man using racially motivated terms to insult Avram Grant, Portsmouth’s Israeli manager, at the FA Cup final last season.

The group gave seat numbers to the club, and Chelsea officials followed up the complaint with an interview. The man was warned as to his future conduct but not suspended.

“A number of people have been banned from Stamford Bridge in the past and we won’t hesitate to ban others given sufficient evidence,” Chelsea told Digger. “

Digger is unable to confirm that, since the club has not provided details. One of the group said: “Whatever they purport to do, in reality Chelsea do nothing.”




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