Britain – David Irving: “Auschwitz being promoted as a ‘Disney-style’ tourist site”

Polish authorities have turned the site of the former Nazi death camp Auschwitz into a “Disney-style” tourist attraction, the Daily Mail quoted notorious revisionist historian and Holocaust-denier David Irving as saying on Friday.

In the Friday Daily Mail report, Irving went on to accuse Polish authorities of neglecting other less “marketable,” more authentic death camps, which “don’t have a Holiday Inn down the road,” in favor of Auschwitz.

“I have been a historian for 40 years, I know a fake when I see it, when you look at old photographs of Auschwitz, those towers aren’t on the photographs,” the Daily Mail quoted Irving as saying.

According to the Daily Mail report, Irving rejected claims that his tour overlooked death camps, focusing on Nazi-related sites, saying that if critics “had seen my website, they would know I have already visited many of the death camps two or three times.”

The convicted Holocaust-denier added that there was “no question that the Nazis killed millions of people in these camps,” adding that “when people call me a Holocaust denier I get quite hot under the collar.”




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