Britain – Roger Waters presents: ‘Star of David’ bombs (Video)

During Roger Waters performances of “Goodbye Blue Sky,” an animated scene projects images of planes dropping bombs in the shape of Jewish Stars of David followed by dollar signs, according to an interview in the September 30 issue of Rolling Stone.

Waters, 67, is a known left-wing activist who has spoken against Israel’s policy in the territories. “It’s a horrific edifice, this thing,” he told reporters in 2006 as he stood beside a section of the separation fence in Bethlehem.

Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued a statement saying that “it is outrageous that Roger Waters has chosen to use the juxtaposition of a Jewish Star of David with the symbol of dollar signs. While he insists that his intent was to criticize Israel’s West Bank security fence, the use of such imagery in a concert setting seems to leave the message open to interpretation, and the meaning could easily be misunderstood as a comment about Jews and money.

“Of course Waters has every right to express his political views about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through his music and stagecraft. However, the images he has chosen, when put together in the same sequence, cross a line into antisemitism.

“We wish that Waters had chosen some other way to convey his political views without playing into and dredging up the worst age-old antisemitic stereotype about Jews and their supposed obsession with making money.”

It should be noted that the clip also displays bombs in the shape of crosses, Muslim crescents and a fuel company’s logo.



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