Antisemitic speech by Mahmud El Zahar, one of the senior leaders of Hamas

Mahmud El Zahar, one of the senior leaders of Hamas gave an antisemitic speech which was broadcast on the Hamas Al-Aqsa channel. In his speech, Mahmud El Zahar repeated the thesis, on which he had also written a book, to the effect that “there is no future for the Jews among the nations”. In his address, El Zahar reviewed the continuous history of acts of murder of Jews and their expulsion from European countries. He claimed that the diverse traits to be found in Jews (murder, theft, treachery etc.) are those which have led to all the aforementioned scourges, describing this as proof that the destruction of the State of Israel and the expulsion of the Jews from the whole of Palestine is a realistic mandatory historical step.


In Mahmud El Zahar’s book, which was published in Algeria in 2008, entitled “No future for the Jews among the nations”, he developed a thesis according to which the Jews are a foreign implant, the various countries of the world having rejected them from their midst. El Zahar uses quotations from the Koran in his book in order to justify the murder of Jews and as documentary proof for it, condemning Zionism to annihilation, as “it has no future among the nations”. This book by Mahmud El Zahar was found on the “Marmara” ship. The book was published by an Algerian publisher and includes a foreword written by two Islamic activists, one of them being Abed El Razouk Elmikri, the head of the Algerian delegation on the “Marmara” (the largest delegation from the Arab States).

Main Points of Mahmud El Zahar’s address


(a) Pharaoh expelled the Jews from Egypt “because they spilt Egyptian blood and conspired against them with their enemies”, after having abandoned their religion and after Joseph’s death.


(b) In 1253, the French expelled the Jews because they were “sucking the blood of the French, they spilt French blood, massacred them, stole their property and conspired against them ….”


(c) In 1280 the English massacred the Jews and expelled them because they had exposed their crimes – “sucked their blood and stolen their property [of the English]…”


(d) Mahmud El Zahar continues and points to a long series of countries from whom the Jews were expelled: France (on another occasion), Hungary, Belgium, Czech Republic, Austria, Holland, Spain, Russia and Germany. According to the statements of Mahmud El Zahar, “the series of expulsions [of Jews from the various countries] is continuing up to the present time”.


4. At the conclusion of this “historical” review, the lesson and the conclusion that El Zahar imparts to his audience of listeners is that: “with the help of Allah, the expulsion from Palestine will occur, from the whole of Palestine. We are no less powerful and have no less honor than those nations who expelled them in the past, and uprooted them from source. We are about to expel them. We have learned the lesson. They have no place among us and they [the Jews] have no future among the nations. They are going to disappear and we are about to gain the fruits of victory”.
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