Greece – Greek police prevented arson attack against the Athens synagogue

Two young men, aged 25 and 26, were arrested by the police and charged with attempting an arson attack against the Synagogue of Athens.

The two men were stopped for control by the police while riding a motorcycle without plates. They were carrying all components for the construction of Molotov explosive mechanisms, thus, a bottle of gasoline, empty bottles and rugs.

After searching their houses, the police found and confiscated, inter alia, 20 litres of gasoline. During police questioning, the two men expressed their ultra-nationalist ideology and they confessed that they were planning an attack against the Synagogue of Athens.

The police announced that the arrested have no prior criminal record and are not officially listed members of any extremist organization. State Security Agency has opened a preliminary investigation on the case, while the arrested were brought before the Prosecutor.

The Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece issued a press release recognizing the promptness of the police in preventing the attack. “Such criminal attempts are the result of antisemitic feelings that are systematically cultivated and incited by various circles.

Society has to be alert and mobilized to fight against the manifestations of racism and antisemitism, taking also into consideration the dangers deriving from the increase of these phenomena”, the press release concludes.




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