Top ten 2010 antisemitic, anti-Israel slurs

Center says antisemitic canards normally attributed to the lunatic fringe has been bought into by opinion makers in Western Society.


In response to an alarming rise in antisemitic statements, the Simon Wiesenthal Center will release its “Top Ten Antisemitic Slurs of 2010” The list emphasizes that more than ever, anti-Jewish statements publicly made by prominent figures have become commonplace and not just from Al Qaida, Hamas, Hezbollah members, or media outlets in the Middle East.


“Never before, in recent memory, has the Simon Wiesenthal Center seen such a proliferation of anti-Semitism going mainstream,” said Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Center adding that “Our list of top ten antisemitic slurs runs the gamut of well-known personalities including journalists, government officials, celebrities, a prominent film director, and academics.”


Many of the quotes are classic Jewish conspiracy theories updated to reflect current anxieties, blaming the control of the media and banking sectors on Jews. “Unfortunately, our list shows that antisemitic canards normally thought to belong to the lunatic fringe have, in fact, been bought into by major elements of Western society,” Rabbi Hier concluded.
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