Antisemitic banner against Samaria Council leader


Madrid Activists from the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement handed out posters in Madrid including an antisemitic illustration of Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan building a wall with the bodies of Palestinian Arabs.

The illustration was distributed a few days after the incident during which an attempt was made to disrupt an event held by the Samaria Regional Council delegation in Madrid,
Activists from the BDS movement unfurled PLO flags and tried to shout down Samaria Regional Council chief Yossi Dagan during a gathering hosted by the Council in Madrid.
Last week, the Simon Wiesenthal Center sent a letter of protest to Spanish Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Margarita Robles Fernández against the silence of the Spanish government after the violent attack on the Israeli-Palestinian delegation by BDS activists.
Dagan with the MP and the antisemitic proclamation

“Both you, Madam Minister, and Mr. Malki should have publicly blessed a meeting that aims at presenting a solution to the Middle East conflict, based on coexistence and economic cooperation,” the letter read.“Far worse than your silence, was the report of violence in the conference hall against the two organizers:”

Following the publication of the illustration, Dagan said, “The illustration is shocking and underlines the serious hatred of Jews these days. The real ugliness of anti-Semitism and ignorance of antisemitic activists. These people are not interested in achieving peace and do not like Arabs but simply hate Jews.”
According to him, “The violence and rioting in the public event we conducted in Madrid and the anti-Semitic material distributed on the site reveal their true face. Despite the threat, I insisted that the events within the delegation continue as usual and indeed we were able to make a lot of impact and change in our meetings with the public, students and MPs who assured that they would fight against t boycott of the State of Israel and Samaria. Despite the violent riot and antisemitic proclamations Samaria won. “
MP José Ignacio Echániz Salgado of the Partido Popular party said to Dagan “I would like to apologize on behalf of Spain for an event you had on Tuesday at the Intercontinental Hotel with those who do not believe in peace nor in truth. Unfortunately for us in the country there are those who threaten all of our democratic institutions. These people are also harmful to Israel but also tothe common people who work in factories. Our country is in a new situation that has people who do not believe in democracy and are trying to hurt people and our countries. BDS is a good example of this, I hope together we can fight for the truth against such behavior. “

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