Iran – Iranian journalist: One of the greatest genocides in history is the massacring of Iranians by Esther

Iranian journalist Ali-Akbar Abdolalizadeh

Iranian journalist Ali-Akbar Abdolalizadeh, a member of the Jam-e Jam editorial board, discussed on an October 19, 2023 show on Ofogh TV (Iran) the history of the “extremist Jewish movement,” which he claimed has led to massacres throughout history.

He said that the Jews have historically created a “vicious cycle” of “exerting pressure, massacre, and feigning suffering,” which leads to the permission to commit genocide. Abdolalizadeh gave the examples of the Biblical story of Esther and the Holocaust, which he called a “big lie.”

He also said that the movement that conquered America and massacred Native Americans, blacks, and the Irish had “footprints of Judaism.”

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