Halle (Saale) – Unknown perpetrators have daubed antisemitic and inflammatory slogans on a mailbox in Großer Berlin street at the old town of Halle (Saale). According to MZ information, “Jews in the oven” („Juden in den Ofen“) was written with a pen. The crime scene is in the immediate vicinity of a synagogue memorial, said the Halle police inspection on Thursday.
Possible traces of the alleged perpetrators were found and secured at the crime scene. Investigations were initiated into property damage and incitement to hatred. The state security police are conducting the investigation.
The memorial on Jerusalemer Platz commemorates the Halle synagogue, which
fell victim to the National Socialist pogrom on November 9, 1938. The destroyed building was demolished in 1940 at the expense of the Jewish community. The memorial in the form of the entrance portal has been located not far from the former entrance at the back of the synagogue since 1987.