RIAS Bavaria documented 422 antisemitic incidents in the Freistaat Bayern last year. 2021 there were 456. Antisemitism expressed itself in the context of conspiracy ideological protests in 2022, Anniversary of the Olympic assassination and the debate on antisemitism in the cultural field.
For the first time since 2019, another case of extreme violence was known: On New Year’s Eve 2022/2023, a person is said to have tried to set the former synagogue on fire in Upper Franconian Ermreuth.
RIAS Bavaria also documented three assaults, 13 threats, 30 targeted damage, especially towards monuments and places, 25 mass captions and 350 cases of abusive behavior. The latter category includes antisemitic incidents, which often do not meet a criminal record.
While conspiracy ideological protests were publicly less topicized than at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, 161 incidents in the context of such gatherings have been known significantly more antisemitic content than in 2021. Public response found the 50. Anniversary of the Munich Olympic attack. 17 antisemitic incidents were known in this context. This is how a security officer saluted Israeli athletes at the Olympic grounds. Antisemitic letters to readers were also printed in Bavarian newspapers. The play “Birds” was discussed nationwide after Jewish student unions criticized the play. In this context, 23 antisemitic incidents were documented, this is how the Association of Jewish Students in Bavaria received antisemitic inscriptions.
In 50 percent of the cases, a certain political-worldview background of the perpetrators was not recognized. Often these are incidents in which, apart from the disparagingly intended statement, “You Jew! ” no further information is available that provides a certain political background. In cases with a certain political background, the conspiracy ideological environment is in the first place with 100 incidents, where it is often difficult to determine the distinction from right-wing extremism.