Italy – The Municipality of Florence adopts IHRA antisemitism definition

The Municipality of Florence
The Municipality of Florence

A concrete sign of rejection and condemnation of any antisemitic attitude and behavior, in the face of acts repeatedly repeated in the Region and in the city of Florence”.

So the vice president of the City Council Emanuele Cocollini (Centre group) in commenting on the motion that led the Municipality of Florence to approve a motion he proposed which provides for the adoption of the definition of anti-Semitism of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. A motion “with a high symbolic value” and “which aims to strengthen the cultural battle against a resurgent antisemitism”. There are many types of anti-Jewish hatred highlighted by the IHRA. In this regard, Cocollini and colleagues from his group also underline in a note that “one cannot be on Israel’s side only when it is convenient; it cannot be done because antisemitism, even in its most modern form of anti-Zionism, touches the consciences of many people and cannot foresee any hypocrisy or pretense”.

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