Argentina – Antisemitic statements by an Argentine politician

Alejandro Bodart
Alejandro Bodart

Bell Ville, Cordoba – The Jewish community repudiated the antisemitic statements of an Argentine politician, Alejandro Bodart, Secretary General of the Argentine Socialist Workers Movement and Coordinator of the International Socialist League who made a series of antisemitic tweets.

“This is Zionism, a constant attack on the Palestinian people. This time they murdered a journalist, but there will be no sanctions or blockades or declarations of repudiation of the supposed ‘defenders of freedom’ because they are accomplices in the massacre that Israel perpetuates,” he assured after the death of journalist Shereen Abu Aqleh. In addition, she wrote: “Zionists=Nazis=’Fuck You'”.

On Sunday, Bodart said that “74 years have passed since the catastrophe experienced by the Palestinian people, at the hands of the racist and genocidal State of Israel. The key, symbol of their stolen houses and lands, is present in every fight. For a secular and democratic Palestine, from the river to the sea”.

In response to Bodart’s antisemitic tweets, DAIA stated that “According to the IHRA definition, adopted by the Argentine State, drawing comparisons between the current policy of Israel and that of the Nazis constitutes an example of antisemitism. Bodart incurs in the trivialization of the Shoah by expressing ‘Zionism=Nazism'”.

The second vice president of the entity, Sergio Pikholtz, also expressed himself in his networks. “Assimilating the Zionists with Zionism being the liberation movement of the Jewish people with the Nazis is sinister and bestial. Turning victims of absolute evil into victimizers is base and insulting. But it is not the first time that Bodart has done it”.

“Palestine from the river to the sea means that Bodart wants the Jewish of the countries, Israel, to disappear. Abominable empires and monstrous subjects have pursued that goal since the end of time and they could not. Surely Bodart and his antisemitic hatred of him can’t either,” Pikholtz said, adding: “In a week he told us Zionists murderers, Nazis, thieves and usurpers. According to law 23,592 and the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism, all of this constitutes a crime. There’s something personal between these guys and me.”

The Argentine Zionist Organization , for its part, repudiated Alejandro Bodart’s expressions in a statement:

The Simon Wiesenthal Center stated that Bodart is “a politician who delegitimizes a state recognized by the nations, proposing its destruction, precisely causing another genocide. According to law 23,592 and the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism, there is a crime”.

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