Strasbourg – Two associations sent a complaint to the Strasbourg public prosecutor’s office after the irruption, in a videoconference on women rabbis, of people uttering antisemitic insults, we learned on Saturday from an association manager.
The Ecumenical Association Charles Péguy and the Strasbourg section of Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne de France organized a videoconference on Thursday entitled “Women, feminism and Judaism: women rabbis?” during which intervened Myriam and Emile Ackermann, student rabbis of the modern Orthodox Jewish current. About sixty people attended.
” After 7 or 8 minutes of the conference, we started to hear the sound of keyboards, then pornographic images were inserted, and anti-Semitic insults, ‘a good Jew is a dead Jew’, ‘the Holocaust does not exist not’, or even ‘we are going to heat the Jews in the oven’” , declared to AFP Jacqueline Cuche, vice-president of the Ecumenical Association Charles Péguy, confirming information from the newspaper La Croix . “Then, the image was replaced by Z 2022 “, specified Jacqueline Cuche, which could be a signature in reference to Eric Zemmour’s candidacy for the presidential election .
” It was really horrible to see, it was extremely shocking ,” added the association manager. “The president of the association tried to chase these speakers but he was unsuccessful and he had to cut the videoconference”.
The presidents of the two associations sent a complaint to the Strasbourg public prosecutor’s office, with a copy of the videoconference, according to Jacqueline Cuche. Asked, the prosecution did not specify the follow-up to this complaint.
” This is a new form of digital antisemitism which is inadmissible”, reacted to AFP the spokesman of the Israelite Consistory of Bas-Rhin, Thierry Roos, wondering about” the security of this video-conference” which was “open to all”. “ In 2022, every Jewish organization knows that they cannot afford to make their Zoom link public,” Emile Ackermann tweeted.